CompanyGulf Air Group
DivisionHuman Resources
LocationBahrain - Head Quarter
DepartmentHuman Resources
Closing Date09-Feb-2025
Manage and supervise the food safety-hygiene and medical laboratories and ensure that they perform in an efficient manner.
Administer and execute Food Safety Audits and Inspections in line with aviation HACCP, IATA, ISO 22,000 standards as per GFMS Food safety audit Annual Plan.
Organize and execute all GF caterers from GF Food safety hygiene and sanitation standards through tender audits and submit reports along with finance and inflight services committee to select' the suitable and ideal catering units for food and water uplift from different stations. Organize and execute planed audits and inspection to all aircraft potable service providers in all Gulf air operated sectors where Gulf Air uplifts water for GF aircrafts and ensures that the standards are in line with GF hygiene and international standards.
Medical Lab:
Administer and advise to Perform standard and special procedures established by authorities and various ministries e.g. (Ministry of Health, Interior and Commerce) by department or assigned by Senior Manager Medical Services.
Organize and administer to perform all biochemistry, hematology test, parasitology, microbiology, serology, hormone and enzymes and samples of cytology and histology
Administer and organize to perform blood grouping. Collect blood from blood donors. Ensure that blood donors are available in case of emergency.
Administer and organize to prepare blood, urine and other specimen to be sent to other private laboratories for special analysis
Administer and organize to collect blood samples from patients using venous puncture, finger and heel prick.
Liaise and Select appropriate suitable suppliers, update media, reagent and machines from suppliers for different analysis for medical lab.
Administer and supervise all daily aspects of operation of Medical Laboratory and respective staff.
Study and approve all the results from medical laboratories then report them to the concerned Senior Manager Medical Services and doctors.
Administer and organize to sterilize all utensils and equipment. Ensure all dangerous materials are safely discarded.
Administer and organize to Prepare and order culture media and reagents for medical lab, stool and urine culture.
Establish and review policies for medical laboratories and update annually after reviewing.
Compile and analyze all medical data for the monthly and yearly statistics.
Advice & analyze all lab insurance claims reports on monthly and yearly basis for medical lab.
Food lab:
Administer and advise to Perform standard and special procedures established by authorities and various ministries e.g. (Ministry of Health, Interior and Commerce) by department or assigned by Senior Manager Medical Services
Liaise and Select appropriate suitable suppliers, update media, reagent and machines from suppliers for different analysis for medical lab.
Administer and organize all regular food, water, liquor and perfume for bacteriological/ chemical' analysis and report and record all the analysis results.
Organize and ensure that food microbiological quality control standards are maintained by sending food/water, liquor and perfume samples to other national and international laboratories for quality assurance and report and record any failure.
Advise and handle all correspondence relating to passengers and crew complaints regarding food and water hygiene and sanitation.
Advice & liaise with the Concerned Gulf air departments for the microbiological analysis and results of all tender products.
Administer and supervise all daily aspects of operation of food Microbiological Laboratories and respective staff.
Study and approve all the results from food laboratories then report them to the concerned Senior Manager Medical Services and doctors.
Administer and organize to perform quality - tests on all disinfectants used in medical center, aircraft and material department.
Administer and organize to sterilize all utensils and equipment. Ensure all dangerous materials are safely discarded
Administer and organize to Prepare and order culture media and reagent for food & water microbiological analysis.
Compile and analyze all food lab data for the monthly and yearly statistics.
Up-grade standard of any contracted catering unit and hotel accommodation whenever there is a drop-down in their hygiene standard by constant recommendation and follow up progress in their standard, otherwise disqualifies the place if the deterioration is severe and no progress and developments are achieved.
Evaluate and organize all food items, liquor, dry store items and water, to advice in flight services below the acceptable level.
Inspect and assesses foodstuff factories where Gulf Air deals with to ensure high standard of food safety and hygiene.
Ensure all In-Flight Catering equipments on good hygiene standard to meet FDA requirements to avoid legal action requirements and avoid legal action.
Contact and co-operate with national and international airlines to ensure the company is in line with advance hygiene developments and health technology to meet the needs and demands of passengers.
Liaise with GCC and international health authorities and advises Gulf Air on hygiene and sanitation matters.
Liaises and advise with the environmental protection committee in disposing hazardous chemical. Ensure all substances and chemicals used by engineering compliance with hazard communication standard.
Advise and handle all crew and passengers hygiene complaints regarding hotel accommodation.
Represent Gulf Air from hygiene standpoint in catering and hotels join venture.
Inspect all restaurants, VIP, FIC lounges at all airports to ensure that all these are complying with the IATA health regulation.
Advise and organize that regular inspection of aircrafts toilets and toilet waste disposal facilities and maintain records to ensure the provision of effective systems for the handling and disposal of waste and to ensure provision of bacteriological toilet fluid to avoid legal action.
Advise and organize Inspections to all Gulf Air houses and offices and report the situation to general services in case of hygiene and sanitation problems
Administer and conduct Checks and advises outstation offices, stores, and workshops from hygiene point of few and according to health authorities' law and regulation.
Administer and organize to carry out evaluation for GF houses/offices for human rehabilitation
Monitor, control the pest control subcontractor for GF premises, aircrafts & buildings in pest control scheduling, fumigation, and pest infestations on regular basis. To monitor on rat infestations and rodent infestations in GF aircrafts.
Compile and analyze all hygiene aircraft disinsection & disinfection data for the monthly and yearly statistics.
Aviation Tasks:
Establish and review policies for Drug and Alcohol annually after reviewing.
Organize and administer to perform alcohol breath-blood tests and all drugs analysis like opiates, cocaine, cannabis, benzo- diazepines, amphetamines, methadone for drug abuse for all GF staff including GF pilots & Cabin crews
Advice, Monitor and conduct Drug and alcohol random testing for all staff like cabin crews, pilots, engineering staffs and report to SMMS regarding the results.
Liaise with external laboratories for confirmatory tests for any positive cases of drug or alcohol cases.
Ensure all water supplies at all airports are complying with the IATA and World Health Organization regulation for drinking water.
Carry out regular inspections and collect water samples from all company aircrafts to ensure that aircrafts water systems are compiling with the health authorities to avoid legal action.
Liaise and advise the GF Engineering and base maintenance to carry out the regular disinfection on aircrafts water systems and whenever there is water contamination.
Administer and conduct regular and adhoc aircrafts disinfections and de-rating record and issue the necessary clearance certificate to be logged in aircraft medical and health declaration by Engineering Department.
Conduct and supervise all potable water uplift stations for microbiological analysis for all uplift stations.
Advice the concerned GF department for any unsatisfactory potable water microbiological results.
Administer and organize to collect water and food samples from aircraft for bacteriological chemical analysis.
Investigate and advice customer care department by analysis particular complaints of food and water from passengers, crew and Gulf Air staff.
Manage, Investigate and advice to Carry out full investigation and submit full report on sporadic and out-break food poisoning, and infectious diseases among passengers and crew and Gulf Air staff. Investigate death cases on board aircrafts related to food illness and insecticides.
Administer and evaluate by food analysis for all catering units and crew hotels.
Establish and review policies for food laboratories and update annually after reviewing.
Evaluate caterers from GF hygiene and sanitation standards through tender audits and submit reports along with finance and inflight services committee to select' the suitable and ideal catering units for food and water uplift from different stations.
Evaluate crew and first class delay passenger’s hotels from hygiene and sanitation audits and submit reports along with hotel accommodation committee to select the suitable and ideal hotels.
Arrange regular planed audits and inspection to all caterers where Gulf Air uplifts food for passengers and all crew and delay passengers' hotels to ensure that all these caterers and hotels are in line with advance hygiene and sanitation developments.
Arrange regular planed audits and inspection to all aircraft potable service providers in all Gulf air operated sectors where Gulf Air uplifts water for GF aircrafts and ensures that the standards are in line with GF hygiene and international standards.
Ensure that all aircrafts are complying with the international health regulation and legal requirements for aircraft to avoid legal action.
Establish and review aviation and all hygiene polices and update annually after reviewing.
Advice concerned GF departments for tender issues, sub-contractor issues related to GF hygiene, sanitation and pest control standards.
Advice and liaise with pest control sub-contractor for disinfection for communicable diseases for all GF aircrafts and premises.
Advice and liaise with airline manufacture to verify and check for approvals prior to usage of disinfectants for communicable diseases.
Establish and review policies all hygiene polices and update annually after reviewing.
Establish pandemic procedures for aircraft hygiene.
Degree in microbiology, laboratory food safety and hygiene, sanitation and environmental health.
Minimum 7 to 10 years’ experience, in public and airline hygiene and Sanitation.
About Application Process
If you meet the criteria and you are enthusiastic about the role, we would welcome your application. To complete the application you would need the following document(s):
- Resume/CV
- Passport-size photograph